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Swami Ranganathananda
in his Benediction
I have gone through the book by Swami Jyotirmayananda: "Vivekananda:
His Gospel of Man-making, with a Garland of Tributes, and a Chronicle
of His Life and Times, with Pictures." It is a unique book
with rich reading material, which instructs and inspires the reader.
It should find a place in all our libraries of educational institutions
and all our public libraries as well.
Swami Tapasyananda
in his Foreword
The popularization of the life and message of such a versatile
personality as Swami Vivekananda is a necessity of our times. To
fulfill this there are already in existence his Complete Works in
eight volumes and several biographical writings on him by men of
great eminence. In the midst of all this what special significance
this compilation by Swami Jyotirmayananda has got - is a question
that will come to the mind of a reader. It has got significance
which none of the other existing works on the Swami serves. It can
be called a comprehensive study of Swami Vivekananda. Not only does
it give an account of his life and a selected body of his lectures;
it gives a variety of essays and utterances by eminent thinkers,
a collection of which one can get nowhere except in this book. Besides,
it gives also a bird's eye view of the history of the times in which
Swamiji appeared. Every great man is a product of his times, and
is in turn a maker of the future. For a comprehensive study this
historical background is a great advantage. These three features
of Swami Jyotirmayananda's compilation make this book very valuable.
It is hoped that the book will have a wide circulation among serious
readers who love India and its culture.
Prof. K.R. Srinivasa
in his Review
The serious student of Vivekananda has a generous choice of reading
ranging from the Complete Works in 8 volumes to the biographical,
estimative and interpretative studies by Romain Rolland, Swami Nikhilananda,
Sister Nivedita, Swami Avyaktananda, S. N. Dhar, Swami Tapasyananda,
R. C. Majumdar and a host of others. Swami Jyotirmayananda's present
massive compilation, however, is homage with a difference. While
in its weight and varied richness of content it is clearly 'encyclopedic'
in scope, it nevertheless avoids uniform alphabetization and is
actually a cross between a Vivekananda Handbook and a Chronicle
of His Life and Times. The Editor's admirable 17-page introduction
sets the tone to the whole endeavor, and is followed by copious
extracts judiciously chosen, captioned and arranged - some exhortative,
others instructive - from Vivekananda's speeches and writings that
cumulatively set forth his 'Gospel of Man-making'. This really means
rousing the purblind human race to an awareness of its innate spiritual
strength and essential divine nature. Human beings are by no means
inheritors of any original 'sin', but truly 'amrtasya putrah', children
of immortality. Such is Vedanta's Magna Carta for humanity. The
volume also includes a selection of 80 photographs projecting tapestry-like
a visual review of the evolution of Naren into Vivekananda the Prophet
of Prabuddha Bharata, of man's awakening into his true self, and
of the efflorescence of the Divine in everyday human life. The Gargantuan
editorial work has doubtless been a labor of love and devotion,
of total commitment too. This is a book for all libraries, personal
and public alike.
in its Review
This book is significant in that two objectives are beautifully
achieved: Nearly 200 pages of tributes to Swami Vivekananda and
a 300-page Chronicle of his Life and Times. Also included is a bouquet
of sublime and soul-stirring thoughts of Swamiji, a significant
selection from his highly inspiring speeches and writings. The tribute
section is certainly most extensive to be found.... This book is
a remarkable compilation of information.... Because of the Chronicle
one can easily perceive the diverse energies at play in the rampant
growth of the industrial revolution and modern science, and the
social changes.... Perusing the Chronicle, one appreciates the importance
of the editor's intent: "To provide a vista of the principal
events in the life of Swami Vivekananda and aid the reader in understanding
Swamiji's historic environs and the forces which were molding human
consciousness during the period".
M. P. Pandit
in his Review
Swami Jyotirmayananda's work on Swami Vivekananda
is unique in many respects. Apart from the Swami's writings and
speeches relating to his favorite theme of Man-making, there are
other interesting features viz. Essays and interpretations by competent
persons on the approach of Vivekananda to Religion and Education,
a whole section of tributes to this Lion of Vedanta by his contemporaries
and later men from different walks of life; a Chronicle of events
of importance in the world when he lived and events in his own life
alongside; eighty pictures of Vivekananda at different stages in
his career.
There are several interesting anecdotes related by writers in course
of their tributes. In the Chronicle flit Huxley, Darwin, Karl Marx,
Edison, Wimbledon with dates and mention of their achievements.
A fascinating work, complete with indices and bibliography.
M. V. Kamath
in his Review
This is a unique book set in a unique format and withal, most relevant
to our times. There are several excellent to good biographies of
Swami Vivekananda. This book is not a biography in the accepted
sense of the term. But it places Vivekananda in the context of his
times as no other book has so far done. What is most fascinating
about this book is the Chronicle of important events in the life
and times of Swami Vivekananda, for it brings to the reader in vivid
terms the atmosphere of the times in which Vivekananda lived. It
tells us a great deal about the events that took place during forty
years of the Swami's life. It has been rightly said that the significance
of a man's life and activities is best understood in the context
of the times in which he lived. Newspaper accounts make fascinating
reading. And the compiler has provided us long quotes from a variety
of sources, both Indian and Foreign. They paint between them such
a vivid picture of Vivekananda that he comes through in all his
vibrancy. There has never been a book like this before and it is
unlikely that there will be another like this again. It brings us
Vivekananda in all his magnificence and glory. It recreates for
us another time and era. This is a book to be treasured for its
own sake and for the sake of Vivekananda.
Kapaa, HI
Swami Jyotirmayananda, himself a light of the Ramakrishna lineage,
and thus a spiritual heir to Vivekananda, is said to have worked
day and night for five years to bring together this amazing testament.
'Vivekananda, the great teacher, philosopher and mystic whose mission
was to rouse, in all people, awareness of the focus of human dignity--the
Atman--and help them manifest that glory in every movement of their
life.' One can hardly glance at any of its thousand pages without
being immediately captured by the charm, the wit, the awesome power
of this most powerful of Hindus of the last century, the Lion of
Vedanta of Chicago-Parliament-of-Religions fame. Contains over 80
photographs and countless witness accounts of Swami Vivekananda.
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