We are glad to know from your
email of 24 December 2000, about your new web site... We greatly
appreciate your sincere efforts to spread the message of Swami Vivekananda
and the values of Indian Culture.
-- Swami Smaranananda
Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission
Belur Math, West Bengal, India
<[email protected]>
9 Jan. 2001
* * *
We did visit the site, which has come out very well.
Hope many will be benefited by the same. As our beloved Papa Swami
Ramdas used to say, God arranges all things in his own way and at
the time he appoints. We shall certainly pass this information to
those who have email facilities.
-- Swami Muktananda
Anandashram, Kanhangad, India
<[email protected]>
2 Jan. 2001
* * *
I looked at your web site, which
has come out very nicely. I am looking forward to going through
the new edition of your book. You have done a wonderful job.
-- Swami Atmarupananda
Ridgely, NY, USA
<[email protected]>
29 Jan. 2001
* * *
I am indeed very happy and grateful to know about
your attending the UN Millennium World Peace Summit at New York,
and hoisting the web site, as they are of great importance, and
repercussion. It is a reward of your untiring, dedicated, hard work
of several years.... One of our friends has recently bought the
book. Another writer on spiritual topics has taken the address of
the publishers. I am also informing other friends about the web
-- Kanai Ghosh, Sqn. Ldr. (Rtd.)
North 24 Paraganas, W.B., India
<[email protected]>
10 Jan. 2001
* * *
I found the web site very impressive and inspiring.
Your book is indeed unique in its contents and style of presentation.
By all accounts, it is one of the books, which need to be treasured
by all who know something of Swami Vivekananda and his mission.
As such, scholars, researchers, thinkers, spiritualists and others
to know about Swami Vivekananda, his views on the problems faced
by mankind on all fronts even today, shall undoubtedly constantly
refer to your book. I thank you very much, and also respect your
initial tapasya of five years in bringing out such a splendid work,
which will serve as a timely gift to our Sanatana Dharma and the
entire mankind in the New Millennium.
-- Prof. G. C. Asnani
M.Sc., Ph.D., (United Nations Service, Rtd.), Pune.
<[email protected]>
28 Dec. 2000
* * *
I just returned from a visit to your web site. It
looks good. The picture looks terrific! One suggestion though. How
about a window for the reader's comments? In the fourth para, I
think it sounds better to say, "His teachings.... bring into
western civilization much needed qualitative change." What
do you think?
-- Smt. Sheila Rao
Jonnesboro, GA, USA
<[email protected]>
6 Decn. 2000
* * *
I visited your web site. It is good. The only
comment I have is that on the page where you have put your picture,
you should also put in the picture of the book. Also in the order
form you should tell the visitors to send the check along with the
order form. Other than that, the site is wonderful.
-- Bansi Pandit
Glen Ellyn, IL, USA.
< [email protected]>
26 Dec. 2000
* * *
The web site is great and I hope many people will
be benefited by it and your book on Swami Vivekananda. I will pass
on the URL of your web site to other people. I could not access
the pictures. When I click, I don't see the desired picture....
Other than this, I think the web site is very informative and well-prepared.
Thank you for sharing this worthy information with us.
-- Devendra Singh
Cherry Hill, NJ, USA.
< [email protected]>
27 Dec. 2000.
* * *
I am very impressed with the site. It is very
easy to navigate. The colors are soothing to the eyes. The site
gives the right information to wet your appetite and want you quest
for more information about the great Swamiji. The site is also a
good reference for Swami Vivekananda's photographs available in
the book. Good Luck!
-- Mahendra V. Toprani
Cherry Hill, NJ, USA
< [email protected]>
27 Dec. 2001
* * *
I went through the web site. It is an excellent
-- Dr. M. R. Nambiar
Kanhangad, India.
< [email protected]>
4 Jan. 2001
* * *
Thanks for setting up this site! Any activites
-- Satpad
22 Jan. 2001
< [email protected]>
* * *
Very good Website: has lot of useful information.
But I think it's missing one critical piece of information: The
Price of the book. Also, is it possible to have order form incorporated
in the Website so that people can print it and mail the order directly?
This would make things much easier for those who want to order for
your book.
-- Bhavani Prasad
Somerville, NJ.
< [email protected]>
27 Dec. 2000.
* * *
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